Today, i received my 6th Jamba giftcard. Yes six. People took the time to bless in me. like seriously?!?! So so so grateful. I mean. God is so good. The blessings keep coming. Not only did i get those giftcards but sweet encouraging letters from some people i had lost contact with. Not only was i blessed with all of this, but next week my old roomie is coming to see me, two weeks later my parents are flying out to be with me, solid friendships are beginning develop, i got to experience my first city snow..and that's just a few, a few of the blessings i have been drenched with.
i am just so loved. so loved. so grateful. so thankful. what an encouragement and challenge for me to reach out and continue to love people in the small ways.
That is all for today. Just wanted to put it in the records that i am so beyond blown away by God's grace with me in this storm of blessings that i have the privilege to be in.
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