chicago life

there are so many different things here than in are a few

-every store has revolving doors
-there are more Walgreens on every corner than Starbucks
-the cute neighborhoods are nestled among tall trees. each house is different and bricks, vines, and white fences are everywhere
-fire truck sirens are never ending
-coffee to-go lids are genius (they have built-in stoppers, way cooler than starbuck's green stopper)
-fruit is rare good ca fruit...i miss my peaches, pineapple, watermelon
-humidity is a wall of wetness, i miss my dry air
-having access to a rooftop to see the night skyline is so beyond beautiful
-street signs are only on one post not on all four corners
-smiling and waving, basically being friendly, is an invitation for robbery, homeless people not letting you go without getting money, and shows complete vulnerability
-soda machines are touch screen
-people actually carry guns on the subway
-sidewalks are for two people not three walking side by side
-the streets surrounding Moody smell like chocolate :)
-Christmas time: music plays ALL throughout the city, and Christmas lights are in most trees
-the city decorates for each season. There are a ton of planters around- in the winter there are tree branches in every one of them, In the spring there are tulips or grass.

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