2. stargaze on a roof
3. have a picnic in a treehouse
4. travel to all 7 continents
6. learn to cook a 3 course meal
7. take dance lessons (then dance in the rain)
8. celebrate my birthday by serving people (acts of kindness)
10. glow in the dark miniature golfing
11. ride in a hot air balloon
12. Dye hair pink for my 99th birthday
13. Get a tattoo
14. Go to the Olympic Games
15. Learn how to throw like a boy
16. Scuba Dive
17. A year of no technology (except needs)
18. Go to an exotic island
19. Adopt twins
20. live on the east coast
21. Visit an active volcano
22. Conquer my fear of pruny fingers
23. Meet Michael Buble
24. Camping road trip with friends
28. Learn to drive stick shift
29. Learn poker and actually be good at it
30. Drive up to Hume by myself
32. Sleep in a super cool hotel
33. Visit Auschwitz
34. Be in a flash mob
36. Visit every country in Africa (if possible)
27. Visit every town in California
28. Go to Ireland and New Zealand
29. Visit all Disney Parks (