I am excited for my funeral!! I know weird to say, but hopefully my death will be a celebration with lots of balloons and marshmallows and Mexican food with ketchup and jamba and whatever else i love :) Also i so hope and pray everyone i came into contact with in my life, will see how much i truly loved my Savior and strived earnestly to share His love.
My LIFE goal is to write a note to every person I meet. well, if i met a celebrity at some point in my life, then sorry i wont write a fan letter-but ill pray for you! haha. How about i define the word "meet"- it could be someone i met at youth group or a friend of a friend that needed encouragement, co-workers, students at school, or to my dear dear friends and family. so of course i most likely won't write to a stranger. I hope i am able to share my love to everyone (which is impossible cause im human, but i will try to get as close as i can, and not turn down an opportunity). I will never end up knowing if I reached my goal or not but i know i will be happily hanging out with God.
Here is a funeral request...I want every person that comes to bring any note or letter i wrote them and if any person did not receive any letters from me (which is sad but probably going to be the case for some people) bring in mind a funny story. Why bring letters? to read them? ok maybe...remember i wont be there haha, but i want this to possibly prove that taking some time to write notes is well worth it.
I love people through my letters. Iam not the most grammatically correct writer and probably could simplify many sentences, but i write from my heart and hopefully people can see how much i really care. Receiving a note shows thoughtfulness. Someone who takes even one minute to jot a quick note down has no idea the encouragement it may have. Sure some people could care less by a letter and toss it in the trash, but there are many out there looking for a random act of kindness society seems to view as so "alien-like". (Just like Rachel Scott) This goal of mine will take my whole life and i know i am not perfect, so i may miss a few people, so to those that i meet and never write to, i apologize. Maybe this funeral request is highly unlikely...i mean letters get lost, thrown away, used as scratch paper, but in the end my hope is that, that note lifted them up in some form or another.
Maybe i want the letters that are kept, to be present at my funeral to prove something...but what? At the moment i have no like, official thought. Maybe I want to encourage others to write letters and show a simple thing can impact very many people in small or big ways. Maybe it's to show people writing notes is a passion of mine and i kept at it till i went to be with Jesus. You know...maybe i really care right now, because i am alive...but all in all, i want to leave behind my love to love others here and prove small things work in big ways. When i am dead i am sure i wont care at all where any letters i wrote end up, they are only pieces of paper, not eternal.
Well i will work at this life goal of mine, no matter the affect it may or may not have on others and after rereading all i wrote i may not even care now about my funeral...i just never really wrote about that topic so i figured i would write and through that, explore more of what i loved and wanted and such. hmmm... :)
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