Monday, July 16, 2012

mammas' sayings...

My momma has many "Momma Sayings"
I have heard her say them my whole life.
They are simply snidbits of Truth bubbled up into catchy, easy sayings. 

Last night, i actually said one of her sayings to a friend. (i am sure i do this often without knowing it) After quoting a famous momma quote, it hit me...what did that quote really mean? I know that we all subconsciously pick up on little quirks/mannerisms/sayings from the people we are around most. But because we live in a fast-faced world, we usually don't pause to think about the things we pick up on, until someone tells us something like "Your sister does that too." I have picked up on many "Momma Sayings" without truly pausing and thinking about the deeper meaning. 

Of course my head started spinning back and forth right before i needed to go to bed. I hate it when i start thinking about awesome things and have to go to sleep. So i put the thought on pause and am now picking back up on it.

So... What are some little wisdom pieces i have held onto from my mom?

The top ones that come to mind: 

"How is your heart?"

"What is the root in all of this?"

"There is a reason behind each person's actions."

"Remember who you are and what you stand for."

"Remember to take your thoughts captive."

"Who is Jesus to you today?" 

"Have you spoken to the Lord about it?"

"How have you seen Jesus today?" 

I hear all of the above daily. I'm amazed by how much my mom desires for me to fall more in love with the God she calls her Powerful Lord. All of these questions/sayings force me to pause and take a look at where i am at in the moment. Usually i am high on emotion and don't want to stop to think. Sometimes i don't pause and give my mom the "robotic answer" that will make the conversation end faster. There i go being human haha. 

Remember to take your thoughts captive.

We have full control of what goes on in our mind. Our mind is the easiest place to linger and be consumed by both good and bad. It is a place where no one else sees. I feel like sin resides more in my head than in other areas of my life. One thought, just one, takes me down many rabbit holes and i find myself getting stuck. My first reaction is to not try. I forget that i have been given the power to have control over my thoughts. I give up and get lazy. I brush off sinful thoughts. (i mean if i never act on my thoughts its ok right....oh yea no...sin is sin) So what does it mean to take my thoughts captive. 

Captive does not mean set free, let roam. Captive means there are boundaries, restrictions. Do i have boundaries...on a good day yes like all people. But on a day where i feel alone, sad, i just let my mind wander carelessly. 

Something to think about. 

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