Monday, October 18, 2010

Sharing Testimonies in Church Leadership

Testies is just fancy term for testimonies. So last night we were split into groups of 5 people and a leader. Wow, it was encouraging to hear from several people about where they came from and why they are the way they are. Sean B. went first and his story helped me understand him better and respect him a bit more. His effort and heart has focused on God so much more and its so good to see :) Hunter L. went next and her story showed that God takes something away from different people for reasons we may never know. Although i am not a horse lover i do love my friends and can relate that way. Micah S. went next and its crazy all he was going through freshman year when i met him. He is strong and has such a good heart. Nick shared and i know him better now and hope to get to know him better. I went and it was scarier than i thought. I think i could have done it better but after the messages below i think that from speaking from my heart people saw Jesus in me. I was so proud of Randi G.!!!! She did not have to share about her parents but she did and i love it! It was good to see a new side of people that i have known for a while.

Facebook Messages-

Haley L: thank so much, ashlyn! im really glad to have been with you in the group as well! it was really great hearing the five stories i did and can't wait until i get to hear everyones. your story inspired me to reach out to everyone i can, because you never know when they really need it. thanks again!

Sean B: gosh ashlyn gonna make me cry! haha jk but thank you so much. it means a lot. and you too! you did a fantastic job and it has been amazing becoming better and better friends with you these past couple years

Randi G: Thanks ash! You've been such a support through everything and so thankful to have you. Today was just an emotional day because they signed the divorce papers and it's coming up on a year since everything but I'll make it through

Thanks so much ashlyn!!! Thank you for the encouragment. You're an incredible friend. I do want you to know you can talk to me anytime you feel alone or unappreciated. I do appreciate and i think your effort and investment in people is amazing. Your ability to invest in so many people is something i wish i had =)

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