Tuesday, February 7, 2012

discussion board...

For school I have weekly posts that i have to submit. i decided they are worth a spot on my blog.

I am not intimidated by silence. I love car rides that have little to no conversation. Silence itself is not difficult, its finding the time to just pause in the midst of the busyness of life. I love love love working at summer camps because it’s a super good reminder that pausing is possible and necessary. I think my hugest struggle though is just to take the summer habit and apply it to my routine life at home.

Solitude is complete opposite of what society calls important. But taking a moment to just breath and pause is a universal thing. Take people going to a Yoga class, or someone driving up the mountain for the day. It is built in people to go go go but there is also a need to stop once in awhile- it’s a choice then whether to ignore that or not. Solitude allows for deep intimate conversation with Christ, time to process, a visual marker showing that all control is given to God.

I have a lot of growing to do and there are several lies I am believing but it shows that without Christ I can not defeat Satan. The moment that I started getting comfortable with life, there is something wrong. I need to be constantly diving into Gods words, asking questions, seeking who I am in Him, and actively trying to become a better woman of God. Pausing forces me to stop and look my issues in the eye, then work out a step by step process on how I can grow in my struggles through Christ.

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