meet my family. they are my life. they are that "one thing" i would grab if the house caught on fire (if for some reason my dad couldn't put it out with his manly skills). i have shared so much with them- most all my best memories in life have them involved in some way or another. Not many families get the opportunity to go to kenya together and serve. not many families have strong solid relationships with one another. not all families have environments where yelling and fighting are not in the "family vocab". not many families have lived in the mountains for 13yrs where kids' imaginations are so big; where they would watch our parents serve people daily. not many families have a home that is not only a safe place for them, but for floor builders, neighbors, mutual friends, and close besties. not many families would pick their siblings as their first choice to hang out on a friday night. not many families can walk into conflict in a healthy manner. not many families enjoy highs and lows at dinner. not many families are as blessed as i am. i could not have asked for any more or any less family. we are the perfect number-perfect age difference. ok so im not saying we are the perfect family- disfunction is found in every single family in some form or another but i think its safe to say we work daily for building relationships and showing grace that a super healthy environment is established.

my father. daddy is his name. Bri-no if he's not listening. Papaya.
He is like the wisest person ever. He is constantly serving his family and like everyone else. As i am writing this he is fixing my car- like im not having to pay for anything and he is spending his day off serving me....wow. after a school friend came to my family in the midst of rebellion and struggle i got to see firsthand how caring yet fatherly he truly is. every word was thought out and spoken in love and grace. im so thankful to grow up learning from him.

momma. momsie
oh she is insanely amazing!!! like i cant think of one person who doesnt like her. and you know....its because she is firm in who she is with Christ so whoever runs into her sees Him in her and not only falls in love with her personality but the very root of why she is who she is (Jesus). She is my like highest role model. She's my friend, mentor, and is constantly challenging me to grow. i lOVE LOVE LOVE her to death!!!

Kylen. kyky. ky-leen. brutha
it hasnt been till recent that i have really gotten close with my amazing caring and funny brother. our bonding moments seem to be because of our green car. yes we are those people who turn the music up loud (we have our spanish song) and belt out our voices, off key of course to spark magic. although we have very different interests and views in this season in life- we are close and i love him to death...just like my mom...i love them ALL to death haha

julianne (when im mad) juju butt. ju-belee. juju bee. ju-belini. ju.
shes one of my closest friends. we are exact opposite but because of shared experiences with friendships (lack of) we have def bonded. she is one of the most hilarious people i know and im not being biased- i only speak truth :) she is so good at art, keeping her closest looking like the rainforest. thanks to her i am more lighthearted.
You make me cry...in a good way. I am so blessed to be family with you!!!